U.S. State Senator Dianne Feinstein
One Post Street, Suite 2450 San Francisco, CA 94104
Telephone: (415) 393-0707; FAX: (415) 393-0710
Website: www.feinstein.senate.gov
U.S. State Senator Alex Padilla
112 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3553 -
333 Bush Street. Suite 3225, San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (415) 981–9369
501 I Street, Suite 7-800, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 448–2787
Website: www.padilla.senate.gov
5th Congressional District Mike Thompson
985 Walnut Avenue Vallejo, CA 94592
Telephone: (707) 645-1888 FAX: (707) 645-1870
Website: mikethompson.house.gov
9th Congressional District Jerry McNerney
4703 Lone Tree Way Antioch, CA 94531
Telephone: (925) 754-0716 FAX: (925) 754-0728
Website: http://mcnerney.house.gov
11th Congressional District Mark DeSaulnier
115 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515; Phone: (202) 225-2095 Fax: (202) 225-5609
Walnut Creek Office: 3100 Oak Road, Suite 10 Walnut Creek, CA 94597; Telephone: (925) 933-2660 Fax: (925) 933-2677
Richmond Office: 440 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd floor Richmond, CA 94804; Telephone: (510) 620-1000 FAX: (510) 620-1005
Website: https://desaulnier.house.gov
15th Congressional District Eric Swalwell
3615 Castro Valley Blvd., Castro Valley, CA 94546
Telephone: (510) 370-3322 FAX: (510) 581-1193
Website: https://swalwell.house.gov
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Tony Thurmond, Superintendent of Public Instruction
1430 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814-5901
Telephone: (916) 319-0800
Website: https://www.cde.ca.gov/
CA Senate District 3 - Senator Bill Dodd (D)
Capitol Office: State Capitol, Room 5064, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4003
District Office: 985 Walnut Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94592; (707) 551-2389
CA Senate District 7​ - Senator Steve Glazer (D)
Office: State Capitol, Room 5108, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4007
District Office: 1350 Treat Blvd, Suite 240, Walnut Creek, CA 94597; (925) 942-6082
District Office: 420 W. 3rd Street, Antioch, CA 94509; (925) 754-1461
CA Senate District 9 - Senator Nancy Skinner (D)
Capitol Office: State Capitol, Room 2059, Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4009
District Office: 1515 Clay Street, Suite 2202, Oakland, CA 94612; (510) 286-1333 FAX: (510) 286-3885
Website: http://sd09.senate.ca.gov​
Assembly District 11 - Assembly Member Jim Frazier (D)
Capitol Office, Room 3091
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0011; (916) 319-2011
District Office: 150 City Park Way, Brentwood, CA 94513; (925) 513-0411
Website: https://a11.asmdc.org/
Assembly District 14 - Assembly Member Tim Grayson (D)
Capitol Office, Room 4164;
P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0014;
(916) 319-2014
District Office: 2151 Salvio Street, Suite 395, Concord, CA 94520; (925) 521-1511 FAX: (925) 602-1536
Website: https://a14.asmdc.org/
Assembly District 15 - Assembly Member Buffy Wicks (D)
Capitol Office, Room ____
P.O. Box ____ ; Sacramento, CA 94249-0016
(916) 319-2015; Fax: (916) 319-2115
District Office: 1515 Clay Street, Suite 2201, Oakland, CA 94612; (510) 286-1400
Website: https://a15.asmdc.org/
Assembly District 16 - Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (D)
Capitol Office, Room ____
P.O. Box ______, Sacramento, CA 94249-0016
(916) 319-2016; Fax: (916) 319-2116
District Office: 2440 Camino Ramon, Suite 345, San Ramon, CA 94583; (925) 328-1515
Website: https://ad16.asmrc.org
Contra Costa County Office of Education
77 Santa Barbara Road, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 942-3388
website: www.cocoschools.org
County Superintendent of Schools Lynn Mackey
email: lmackey@cccoe.12.ca.us
County Board of Education
Area 1 - Fatima S. Alleyne, Ph.D. falleyne@cccoe.k12.ca.us
Area 2 - Sarah Butler sbutler@cccoe.k12.ca.us
Area 3 - Vikki J. Chavez vchavez@cccoe.k12.ca.us
Area 4 - Mike Maxwell mmaxwell@cccoe.k12.ca.us
Area 5 - Annette Lewis alewis@cccoe.k12.ca.us